I'm having problems with a referral

I referred my friend to you but didn’t get a reward. Why is this?

Oh no! The first thing to do is check that they have signed up to the Club with us after you referred them and that they redeemed their unique offer code. Secondly, check if they’re a new member. Our rewards are only available if your friend is brand new to Craft Gin Club. If you're still having trouble then please drop us a line to [email protected] and we can help look into this for you.

I entered my friend’s name and it didn’t work. Why is this?

Not to worry! This could be down to a few reasons: 

  • Your friend hasn’t registered for the refer a friend scheme.
  • You’re using a different spelling or a nickname to the one they registered with. 
  • There is more than one person with that same name in our system. If this is the case, please ask your friend for their email address and use this method to verify we have the correct person. 

I only see a pop-up with “We’re sorry! There’s a delay processing your reward”

Please bear with us, we’re checking your details and will update you by email on the progression of your referral application.

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